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    10 ans plus tard CFQR a son premier show

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14461
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    10 ans plus tard CFQR a son premier show Empty 10 ans plus tard CFQR a son premier show

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Jeu 16 Juin - 10:18

    Billet posté par Fagstein dans la langue de Shakespeare sur le premier show de CFQR. 

    It was 12 years ago that the group that would become TTP Media first came on the scene.
    It was a little less than 10 years ago that the group was given its second licence by the CRTC, for an English-language station at 600 AM that it promised would be a news-talk station to rival CJAD.
    It was five years ago this month that CFQR 600 went on the air from its restored transmission site in Kahnawake (formerly used by Cogeco for 940 News and Info 690).
    But finally, on June 13, 2022, the station CJAD’s critics have been waiting for is on the air. Sort of.
    Late last week, Mike Cohen at the Suburban broke the news that the station would be launching its first program, a weekday morning show hosted by Jim Connell, on Monday. The station also promised a website at the same time, and one is now active at cfqr600.com. The station also has a Facebook page.
    From what’s published so far, here’s what we know about CFQR 600 (no relation to the former CFQR-FM, which is now The Beat 92.5):
    The morning show, called “Mornings Matter”, will run 6-9am weekdays.
    The station’s programming will feature “regular news updates” and music from the 70s, 80s and 90s.
    … That’s about it. Though an on-air teaser promises “much more in the weeks ahead.”
    Connell’s involvement is not surprising. A former on-air star of 940 News (and the various ways it was rebranded until it was shut down in 2010), he was part of TTP Media’s presentation to the CRTC a decade ago about their plans for a station. When they took forever to get it off the ground, he took a job at Global Montreal helping it launch its morning show. He stayed for three years, and it’s been seven years since then, just to give you an idea how long this has taken.
    CFQR’s website, while active, is pretty bare-bones, with a listen link and a contact form. The station has a phone number, 514-470-0600, and promises apps to listen on iOS and Android devices. An address listed on the website is the address of co-owner Nicholas Tétreault’s real estate office on Highway 520 in St-Laurent.
    Partner Rajiv Pancholy tells me there aren’t elaborate plans for Day 1.

      La date/heure actuelle est Jeu 19 Sep - 17:58