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    CJMS et CJWI se battent pour leur vies

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14460
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    CJMS et CJWI se battent pour leur vies Empty CJMS et CJWI se battent pour leur vies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Mar 23 Juin - 11:09

    Fagstein a posté un billet sur le sort des stations CJMS et CJWI. 

    Jean Ernest Pierre is appearing in front of the CRTC on Wednesday hoping to save the two radio stations he owns.
    Country music station CJMS 1040 AM and Haitian station CPAM Radio Union (CJWI 1410 AM) are two of the five stations that were told to appear at a CRTC hearing in Gatineau to justify their licence renewal applications, and explain why those renewals should not be for short terms or straight up denied because of their repeated non-compliance with their licence obligations. (The hearing, originally scheduled in person on May 12, will now be by teleconference June 16-18.)
    Both CJMS and CJWI not only have short-term licences already, but both are subject to mandatory orders to require they remain in compliance with their obligations. Both stations have nevertheless had compliance issues, the commission says.
    CJWI and CJMS had their licences renewed for two years in 2018 and three mandatory orders issued to each station after failure to comply with mainly paperwork-related issues.

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 7 Sep - 22:23