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    Retour des studios Hanna-Barbera

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14486
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Retour des studios Hanna-Barbera Empty Retour des studios Hanna-Barbera

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Jeu 8 Avr - 17:16

    Un article et un vlogue sur le retour des studios H-B.

    WarnerMedia is reviving the iconic Hanna-Barbera animation brand as it renames Cartoon Network Studios Europe.
    The London-based studio will become Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe, inheriting a name that is synonymous with iconic titles including Scooby-DooThe FlintstonesThe Jetsons, and Yogi Bear.
    The studio is currently in development on The Amazing World of Gumball Movie (working title), the upcoming feature-length TV movie based on Cartoon Network series The Amazing World of Gumball.
    Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe’s other shows include The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe and Elliott from Earth. The unit will be led by Sam Register, president of Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network Studios, and Vanessa Brookman, head of kids EMEA


    Messages : 20
    Date d'inscription : 10/05/2023

    Retour des studios Hanna-Barbera Empty Re: Retour des studios Hanna-Barbera

    Message par gagje3 Ven 13 Sep - 16:21

    BeautyPlus foster oftens a sense of community by allowing users to share their edited images within the platform or participate in challenges and contests. This social aspect not only provides users with additional motivation and inspiration but also creates opportunities for networking and collaboration improve video quality. Engaging with a community of like-minded individuals can lead to valuable feedback and new ideas, further enriching the user experience.

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 18 Jan - 19:46