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    Le déclin de la voix de Marge Simpson

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14461
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Le déclin de la voix de Marge Simpson Empty Le déclin de la voix de Marge Simpson

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Lun 4 Jan - 14:46

    Un vloggeur parle du déclin de la voix de Marge Simpson interprété en VO par Julie Kavner.

    What is up you guys?? So, here is a comparison of Marge's voice throughout The Simpsons run time. Her voice has definitely changed from 30 years ago. Today, I think that Marge's voice is unbearable, but that's just my opinion. Below are timestamps of the seasons (and Movie) I featured here.

    The voice of Marge Simpson, Julie Kavner, has voiced her ever since "The Tracey Ullman Show" shorts. Over the years Marge's voice has become raggier and raggier. Honestly, it's super hard for me to describe how bad it sounds today. You are able to hear it during around season 25. It sounds as though Julie aged Marge's voice by 30 years.

    I hate to say it, but I really think they should replace Julie. The more episodes I see with Marge talking, the more I wonder how Julie's throat is doing.

    Anyway, here are the timestamps:

    0:00 - "The Tracy Ulman Show" shorts
    0:51 - Season 1 Episode 1
    1:33 - Season 5
    2:06 - Season 10
    3:22 - Season 15
    4:21 - Season 20
    5:30 - The Simpsons Movie
    5:52 - Season 25
    7:12 - Season 30/31
    7:40 - Season 32 (Today)

    8:26 - Marge's Singing

    Hope you guys enjoy!

      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 18 Sep - 19:46