1986 avec Marcel Sabourin
avec Carl Marotte
avec Michel Forget
Dernière édition par Stéphane Dumas le Jeu 17 Oct - 8:29, édité 1 fois
This commercial is well known in Canada where it ran in the 80's for several years. Although the store is unknown in the U.S., it is a large sporting goods, automotive, etc chain in Canada. This commercial is well known (still) to our northern friends. This commercial has become a classic and (believe it or not) the tagelines (Albert!. . . Albert !) and (Sure wish we had a guy like Albert on our team!) became famous when this commercial ran. The older brother (Scotty Schwartz) is best known as the kid in "The Toy" (with Richard Prior)and as "Flick" in "A Christmas Story" - who got his tongue frozen to the flagpole at school.