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2 participants

    Buying a modern sight


    Messages : 7
    Date d'inscription : 23/01/2023

    Buying a modern sight Empty Buying a modern sight

    Message par Lank Sam 15 Juin - 3:03

    What modern sights can you recommend to me? I'm looking for some cool option

    Messages : 7
    Date d'inscription : 17/11/2022

    Buying a modern sight Empty Re: Buying a modern sight

    Message par BindPlom Sam 15 Juin - 3:43

    I understand that you needed a new scope for hunting and wanted something modern. I bought mine there https://www.atncorp.com/smart-hd-optics. I needed a quality scope so that my eyes wouldn't get tired and there was the necessary set of functions. I think that's what you need, so it's worth a try!

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 18 Jan - 19:33