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2 participants

    Any tips on how to organize scrap car removal in Toronto?


    Messages : 6
    Date d'inscription : 10/05/2024

    Any tips on how to organize scrap car removal in Toronto? Empty Any tips on how to organize scrap car removal in Toronto?

    Message par Karim Jeu 23 Mai - 19:27

    Hey, guys! I have an old car sitting in my yard that needs to be scrapped. Does anyone know what companies provide scrap car removal services in Toronto? And I'm also interested in how much such a service costs and what documents do I need to provide for it?

    Messages : 8
    Date d'inscription : 20/06/2023

    Any tips on how to organize scrap car removal in Toronto? Empty Re: Any tips on how to organize scrap car removal in Toronto?

    Message par adadel Jeu 23 Mai - 19:30

    Eh, if you have something for sale, you need to sell it. These guys are ready to buy an old car, and you don't have to pay for the removal. Just check out for scrap car removal in Toronto https://soldcar.ca/
    You just have to fill out a form on their website and that's it, they will arrange everything themselves. I understand, they also have prices and norms, and with utilization everything is clear, so you can not worry.

    Messages : 6
    Date d'inscription : 10/05/2024

    Any tips on how to organize scrap car removal in Toronto? Empty Re: Any tips on how to organize scrap car removal in Toronto?

    Message par Karim Jeu 23 Mai - 19:32

    Oh, thanks for the info! That sounds like a great deal. I was just wondering what your terms and conditions are for scraping old cars. Also wondering how long the whole process from filling out the form to receiving the money takes approximately?

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    Any tips on how to organize scrap car removal in Toronto? Empty Re: Any tips on how to organize scrap car removal in Toronto?

    Message par Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 7 Sep - 23:53