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    breast augmentation


    breast augmentation Empty breast augmentation

    Message par vosog Ven 1 Sep - 1:43

    Hey, I've been thinking about getting a breast augmentation. Does anyone know of a good clinic where I can get it done?

    breast augmentation Empty Re: breast augmentation

    Message par paliwal183 Ven 1 Sep - 1:43

    Oh, I've actually done some research on this topic recently. There are a few clinics in our city that are well-known for their cosmetic procedures.

    breast augmentation Empty Re: breast augmentation

    Message par alibaz Ven 1 Sep - 12:17

    I actually know someone who had a breast augmentation at Adonis Fertility International https://adonis-international.com/ . She was really satisfied with the entire experience and her results look very natural. They seem to prioritize patient care and safety, which is crucial when considering any kind of surgery.

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    breast augmentation Empty Re: breast augmentation

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      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 7 Sep - 22:21