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    Solitaire Empty Solitaire

    Message par 1222jikilpo Mer 30 Aoû - 5:29

    Tell me, where can I read in detail about such a popular game as solitaire? What source should be chosen for this?

    Solitaire Empty Re: Solitaire

    Message par Mishel999 Jeu 31 Aoû - 1:10

    Many of my friends did not understand why I love to play so much. Some of them https://metro.co.uk/2023/08/11/into-the-realm-of-solitaire-the-classic-remains-one-of-the-most-beloved-computer-games-to-date-and-heres-how-and-why-you-should-play-19316933/ read this article and their opinion quickly changed. The article is very informative, it will help you fully understand and play the game of solitaire.

      La date/heure actuelle est Mar 5 Nov - 2:39