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    How to fix the "canon printer not printing issue"?


    Messages : 4
    Date d'inscription : 23/03/2023

    How to fix the "canon printer not printing issue"? Empty How to fix the "canon printer not printing issue"?

    Message par sandrardrago Lun 10 Avr - 5:38

    Printers are a technical hardware device and there can be a lot of problems while using a hardware device. So just like any other printer, Canon printers are also bound to some errors and issues, and one of the most common issues is that ' Canon printer is not printing '. This issue can be easily fixed with the following ways:-
    1. Remove all the jammed papers from your Canon printer.
    2. Update all your outdated and faulty printer drivers.
    3. Fix the connection between the printer and the computer.

      La date/heure actuelle est Jeu 19 Sep - 8:25