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    How does the foundation engage with local communities and stakeholders in its work?


    How does the foundation engage with local communities and stakeholders in its work? Empty How does the foundation engage with local communities and stakeholders in its work?

    Message par daadad Mar 4 Avr - 16:19

    How does the foundation engage with local communities and stakeholders in its work?

    How does the foundation engage with local communities and stakeholders in its work? Empty Re: How does the foundation engage with local communities and stakeholders in its work?

    Message par Bedada Mar 4 Avr - 16:20

    The foundation engages with local communities and stakeholders through its partnerships and events, and works closely with them to address critical issues affecting their communities, donation to ukraine children. The foundation also conducts outreach and awareness-raising activities to promote its work and engage with the broader community.

      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 15 Sep - 6:26