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    Is it possible to follow the social networks of children?


    Is it possible to follow the social networks of children? Empty Is it possible to follow the social networks of children?

    Message par linguer Sam 1 Avr - 12:50

    Is it possible to follow the social networks of children?

    Is it possible to follow the social networks of children? Empty Re: Is it possible to follow the social networks of children?

    Message par ormanent Lun 3 Avr - 6:40

    I recommend you to use Hoverwatch free mobile tracker https://www.hoverwatch.com . This is a great app for parents who are worried about their kids. You remain invisible when using it: there is a tracker feature that allows you to be invisible, completely hidden from the user. This way, even if your kids are familiar with phones and how they work, you can discreetly see what's going on on their phone.

      La date/heure actuelle est Mar 26 Nov - 9:07