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    Debt Consolidation: Shady or Not?


    Debt Consolidation: Shady or Not? Empty Debt Consolidation: Shady or Not?

    Message par tot3ntanZz Mer 22 Mar - 10:38

    Retired parents have $70,000 in debt spread across 5 cards, ranging from 15% to 25% interest. We received an offer from a debt consolidation company (Strategic Consulting) to “restructure”the current payment plan. Their proposal includes a $700 reduction in Monthly payment, 0% interest and a total savings of $40,000 as well as a time frame of 2-4 years to pay off the debt.
    Obviously the alarm bells went off as the numbers don’t add up and it seems to good to be true so I have a few questions:
    Does anyone have any experience with this company: Strategic Consulting?
    Is debt consolidation a viable option to resolve the debt? It seems like a shady industry based on my research
    What (if any) viable options are there to resolve the debt? Please bear in mind my folks are retired as well so income is limited,
    Thank you.

    Debt Consolidation: Shady or Not? Empty Re: Debt Consolidation: Shady or Not?

    Message par FREEDDAWG Mer 22 Mar - 16:59

    Hello! If you are facing debt issues, do not despair as there are solutions available. Start by reading about lendvia financial, then reach out to them to explain your debt situation. With their assistance, it is possible to get rid of your debts.
    Hope, my answer will help you eliminate all your debts.

      La date/heure actuelle est Mar 19 Nov - 3:20