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2 participants

    Help with choosing furniture


    Messages : 20
    Date d'inscription : 04/11/2022

    Help with choosing furniture Empty Help with choosing furniture

    Message par formalin Mar 14 Mar - 17:21

    Hi all, can you tell me where I can buy bedroom furniture? Since I'm currently doing renovations and I need your help!

    Messages : 17
    Date d'inscription : 03/11/2022

    Help with choosing furniture Empty Re: Help with choosing furniture

    Message par Pesto Mer 15 Mar - 7:56

    Hi buddy, you can check out the Website of 1stopbedrooms, it's a great option because they have a great selection, and offer a great selection of bedroom furniture from the top brands in the world. I think you can definitely find something for yourself there. After all, I bought a sofa from them about six months ago myself and it's actually pretty good. So, good luck with your purchase and you too!

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil - 1:29