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    what tool helps you manage workflows in a translation agency?


    what tool helps you manage workflows in a translation agency? Empty what tool helps you manage workflows in a translation agency?

    Message par tinkad Ven 3 Fév - 2:40

    what tool helps you manage workflows in a translation agency?

    what tool helps you manage workflows in a translation agency? Empty Re: what tool helps you manage workflows in a translation agency?

    Message par kiorroy85 Ven 3 Fév - 2:41

    Broadly speaking, a translation management system (TMS) is software designed to support management of the localization and translation process. It helps to organize the localization workflow, track the progress of translation projects, and reduce manual tasks via automation

    what tool helps you manage workflows in a translation agency? Empty Re: what tool helps you manage workflows in a translation agency?

    Message par yisera5453 Sam 4 Fév - 2:05

    Protemos is the ultimate all-in-one business and project management system for translation agencies and freelance translators. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools that help to manage projects, clients, vendors, and financial tasks. Protemos is a tbms tool for agencies  , that allows users to efficiently manage and track all of the processes associated with their translation business.

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    what tool helps you manage workflows in a translation agency? Empty Re: what tool helps you manage workflows in a translation agency?

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      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil - 0:38