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    How do you make math interesting for 8-12 year olds?


    How do you make math interesting for 8-12 year olds? Empty How do you make math interesting for 8-12 year olds?

    Message par Ilimois Sam 26 Nov - 7:57

    1) Play math games. 
    2) Take a field trip. 
    3) Try not to bore your child with math. 
    4) Help your children see the purpose of math. 
    5)Teach your child how to manage money. 
    6)Keep your child's interests in mind. 
    7) Ask thoughtful math questions.

    How do you make math interesting for 8-12 year olds? Empty Re: How do you make math interesting for 8-12 year olds?

    Message par Tetraider Sam 26 Nov - 9:12

    Hi. I'd love to answer your question. If you want to make teaching math fun and easy, try these three approaches:
    1) Use modeling and student names. Using a student's name in a math problem is an effective way to engage the class.
    2) Build character through competition.
    3) Engage students with games.
    Also, if you're not quite good at it, enroll your child in math for 6 graders so you don't get nervous about not being able to teach the subject to your students or your children.

    Messages : 3
    Date d'inscription : 10/11/2022

    How do you make math interesting for 8-12 year olds? Empty Re: How do you make math interesting for 8-12 year olds?

    Message par Wasel1944 Mer 7 Déc - 16:02

    In this post you have been shown about How do you make math interesting for 8-12 year olds. This post has been written by an expert teacher of Maths. He also wrote a site about it here at How do you make math interesting for 8-12 year olds and He has praised this site so much that I cannot tell. Because he was also surprised to see the collection of books of this site.

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    How do you make math interesting for 8-12 year olds? Empty Re: How do you make math interesting for 8-12 year olds?

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      La date/heure actuelle est Mar 21 Jan - 1:46