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Oliver Tree
6 participants

    Digital Product Designer Skills


    Messages : 15
    Date d'inscription : 23/10/2022

    Digital Product Designer Skills Empty Digital Product Designer Skills

    Message par Brain Mar 15 Nov - 12:04

    Many probably dreamed of being a designer of some games or programs, but it turns out that not everything is as simple as it seems. Becoming a software designer requires many skills that cannot be acquired in one week. It takes months of training or even years to become a professional designer. Are you interested in becoming a product designer?

    GregJackson aime ce message

    Oliver Tree

    Messages : 9
    Date d'inscription : 06/11/2022

    Digital Product Designer Skills Empty Re: Digital Product Designer Skills

    Message par Oliver Tree Mer 16 Nov - 1:45

    This is a very difficult job, I once tried myself in this role - I taught programs, tried to work, but it didn't work out, you need a lot of experience here, and to get it you need to work and study a lot

    GregJackson aime ce message


    Messages : 5
    Date d'inscription : 14/11/2022

    Digital Product Designer Skills Empty Re: Digital Product Designer Skills

    Message par Tedd90 Jeu 17 Nov - 4:34

    Yes, that's for sure. The designer today is worth its weight in gold in the field of software. The most important thing in a software product is beautiful graphics. And it takes a lot of work to develop such a picture.

    GregJackson aime ce message


    Messages : 35
    Date d'inscription : 14/10/2022

    Digital Product Designer Skills Empty Re: Digital Product Designer Skills

    Message par rukita Ven 18 Nov - 12:09

    Somehow I did not think to become a specific designer, although I have a direct relationship with software https://fireart.studio/blog/digital-product-designer-skills-role-responsibilities/ product designers have the skills of several specialists at once. They do not just create a product, but also take into account market research, user requests and business strategy. The result should be a service that is able to solve customer problems and bring profit to the company.

    GregJackson aime ce message


    Messages : 20
    Date d'inscription : 23/10/2022
    Age : 29

    Digital Product Designer Skills Empty Re: Digital Product Designer Skills

    Message par GregJackson Ven 18 Nov - 23:13

    totally true, it requires a fairly high level of professionalism to be a software designer, I'm not really interested in becoming a designer but if so I would try to train in an academy or look for a lot of information on my own on the internet

    GregJackson aime ce message


    Messages : 9
    Date d'inscription : 19/11/2022

    Digital Product Designer Skills Empty Re: Digital Product Designer Skills

    Message par EdvardS Sam 19 Nov - 1:20

    To date, designers are doing just a great job. Now that games that programs look just great. To create such beauty, you need to have vast experience and knowledge in the field of designer.

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    Digital Product Designer Skills Empty Re: Digital Product Designer Skills

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      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 18 Jan - 12:08