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    MacBook Empty MacBook

    Message par Sandra03 Jeu 6 Oct - 8:54

    There are a lot of Mac features that we don't know much about. And I don't know how to convert. Can you help me with this? I don't know how to convert AVI to MP4 on Mac. I read the instructions on the Internet, but there is very little accurate information. I will be grateful for clarification.

    MacBook Empty Re: MacBook

    Message par Silvestraaa Jeu 6 Oct - 8:56

    You should have a better look on the Internet, I found how to convert, maybe you wrote it wrong or didn't specify. Now this is done much easier with the help of programs that do the conversion on their own. It makes it easier to work on a Mac.

    MacBook Empty Re: MacBook

    Message par Sandra Jeu 6 Oct - 9:02

    I was recently given a Macbook, and to be honest, I knew very little about the functions of a Mac. That's why when I want to convert, I looked for how to do it on the Internet. This article https://setapp.com/how-to/convert-avi-to-mp4-on-mac helped me a lot, I understood in detail what to do and how to convert. I hope that this article will help you with its useful information.

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    MacBook Empty Re: MacBook

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      La date/heure actuelle est Mar 19 Nov - 5:25