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    OMNI adds Arabic, Filipino national newscasts as new licence term begins

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14461
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    OMNI adds Arabic, Filipino national newscasts as new licence term begins Empty OMNI adds Arabic, Filipino national newscasts as new licence term begins

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Ven 18 Sep - 11:28

    Blog post from Fagstein blog about Omni channel. 

    As of Sept. 1, the OMNI television channels have entered into a new CRTC licence term, which means a higher wholesale per-subscriber fee ($0.19 per month, up from $0.12) and some new obligations, including more news.
    OMNI made good on that last part last week by launching OMNI News in Arabic and Filipino (Tagalog). Like the existing Italian, Punjabi, Mandarin and Cantonese newscasts, which don’t look like they’re changing, the new newscasts have journalists in different cities. I was told they wouldn’t have anchors, but it’s clear they do. OMNI News Arabic was hosted its first week by Reham Al-Azem out of the Montreal studio (built for the former Breakfast Television Montreal), while OMNI News Filipino was hosted by Rhea Santos in Vancouver.
    Both newscasts are also produced in part out of Toronto.

      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 15 Sep - 7:16