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    Comedy Gold set to go dark as Wow! waits for the money

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14461
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Comedy Gold set to go dark as Wow! waits for the money Empty Comedy Gold set to go dark as Wow! waits for the money

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Lun 9 Sep - 9:04


    Like the final five minutes of Planet Namek, Wow! Unlimited’s rebrand of Comedy Gold has felt as though it’s taken an eternity. The Canadian animation company announced plans to acquire a linear television service from Bell Media back in June 2017. The following October it was revealed that the broadcast license for retro sitcom channel Comedy Gold would be the one sold off. With some caveats, the CRTC approved the sale in July 2018 and the deal was finalized that September. Wow! was set to receive the channel’s broadcast license on April 1st of this year, but pushed that date back August 30th.
    It is now late August and something is amiss.
    There is zero information about any channel rebrand. No teasers, no social media or web presence. Not even a press release. Worse off, a number of service providers (including Bell) began reporting early in the month that Comedy Gold would be shut down at the end of August. Not rebranded, but shuttered. In fact, viewers watching the channel on Rogers will see a message scroll across the bottom of the screen, telling them that Comedy Gold will no longer be available after August 30th at 11:59PM. Bell Media’s own website for the channel has no programming listed beyond a 5:30AM Tosh.0 rerun on September 1st.
    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14461
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Comedy Gold set to go dark as Wow! waits for the money Empty CRTC revokes Wow Unlimited’s Comedy Gold license

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Lun 8 Fév - 11:08


    In a move that should surprise only the most optimistic, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has revoked Comedy Gold’s broadcast license. The move came via the request of Wow Unlimited Media, who has given up on launching a linear television service in Canada – a move it first announced back in June 2017.
    Wow submitted the license revocation to the CRTC back in July, with a decision made on February 5th. The announcement notes that the company was unable “to secure funding and distribution to allow the service’s launch.” Citing uncertainties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the increasing prominence of digital platforms, Wow requested the license be revoked as it saw no way to launch the service in the near or distant future.
    Wow received approval from the CRTC to purchase Comedy Gold’s broadcast license from Bell Media in July 2018. They officially took over on September 1, 2019, but rather than launching their new service, the channel space just went dark. The animation company would consistently state its struggles securing the funding needed to launch the venture.

    Comedy Gold set to go dark as Wow! waits for the money Empty Re: Comedy Gold set to go dark as Wow! waits for the money

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    Messages : 4
    Date d'inscription : 28/06/2022

    Comedy Gold set to go dark as Wow! waits for the money Empty Re: Comedy Gold set to go dark as Wow! waits for the money

    Message par poco Mar 28 Juin - 13:54

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    Comedy Gold set to go dark as Wow! waits for the money Empty Re: Comedy Gold set to go dark as Wow! waits for the money

    Message par NeaKey Mar 28 Juin - 16:02

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      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 15 Sep - 6:32