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2 participants

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Mer 29 Mai - 20:49

    Rappel du premier message :

    Les Simpsons font un clin d'oeil à la série "Le Prisonnier".


    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Lun 14 Déc - 23:33

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Sam 16 Jan - 19:08

    Références aux Beatles dans les Simpsons.
    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Jeu 11 Mar - 9:32

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Mar 4 Mai - 9:38

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Dim 1 Aoû - 10:08

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Sam 11 Sep - 11:33

    Références à Beavis & Butthead
    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Dim 3 Oct - 10:10

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Mar 2 Nov - 10:43

    Référence aux Simpsons dans Family Guy/Les Griffin.
    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Ven 3 Déc - 10:21

    This is exactly what you though it was... and yet you still watched it you sicko. The Simpson's favorite tv show host has a deep dark secret, he has an abnormal attraction to the wet kind and in this video he gets to live out his fantasies with a little help from, oh let's say Moe.

    The video everyone wanted but was too ashamed to ask for! Lol, this video was alot of fun to make, with a lot of needed rotoscoping, Pretty much all of the Troy McClure clips were rotoscoped, not enough clips to work with so i had to use what i could and put it in different settings. And Homer Simpson shows up for a bit too!

    List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(26):
    S03E14 - Lisa the Greek
    S03E15 - Homer Alone
    S03E17 - Homer at the Bat
    S03E18 - Separate Vocations
    S04E02 - A Streetcar Named Marge
    S04E14 - Brother from the Same Planet
    S04E16 - Duffless
    S04E21 - Marge in Chains
    S05E02 - Cape Feare
    S06E09 - Homer Badman
    S07E10 - The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular
    S07E19 - A Fish Called Selma
    S08E09 - El Viaje M
    S08E10 - The Springfield Files
    S09E16 - Dumbbell Indemnity
    S10E03 - Bart the Mother
    S11E18 - Days of Wine and D'oh'ses
    S12E01 - Treehouse of Horror XI
    S12E20 - Children of a Lesser Clod
    S13E13 - The Old Man and the Key
    S14E12 - I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can
    S14E20 - Brake My Wife, Please
    S16E07 - Mommie Beerest
    S20E02 - Lost Verizon
    S30E13 - I'm Dancing as Fat as I Can
    S31E05 - Gorillas on the Mast
    + Lots of screenshots and photoshop work not mentioned

    Thank you and as always, please enjoy!

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Jeu 20 Jan - 8:47

    It's just like Homer to sleep with your wife and then tell you about it lol. The more videos I make, the more rotoscoping seems to be required, so instead of listing them all out, I think i'll just start listing some of the more complicated or fun ones. I really likes adding the mail slot laugh to ned standing there lol. And also when Ned threatens to kill Homer.

    List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(24):
    S02E06 - Dead Putting Society
    S02E07 - Bart vs. Thanksgiving
    S02E13 - Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment
    S04E06 - Itchy & Scratchy The Movie
    S04E13 - Selma's Choice
    S04E19 - The Front
    S05E12 - Bart Gets Famous
    S05E16 - Homer Loves Flanders
    S05E22 - Secrets of a Successful Marriage
    S06E13 - And Maggie Makes Three
    S07E03 - Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily
    S07E17 - Homer the Smithers
    S08E01 - Treehouse of Horror VII
    S08E08 - Hurricane Neddy
    S08E10 - The Springfield Files
    S09E12 - Bart Carny
    S10E13 - Homer to the Max
    S13E05 - The Blunder Years
    S14E18 - Dude, Where's My Ranch
    S15E07 - Tis the Fifteenth Season
    S16E01 - Treehouse of Horror XV
    S20E05 - Dangerous Curves
    S20E12 - No Loan Again, Naturally
    S23E03 - Treehouse of Horror XXII
    + Lots of screenshots and photoshop work not mentioned

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Lun 7 Fév - 8:39

    Just a normal day in The Simpsons, Snake makes his regular visit to the Kwik-E-Mart and robs it, but then a high speed action packed car chase ensues. Will Snake finally get caught and sent to jail? Tune in to find out!

    This video has a surprisingly few number or rotoscoping, the biggest one is where Snake tells the cops to get off his front lawn, i changed the location for that clip. and the cops shooting at the windows.

    List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(26):
    S03E08 - Lisa's Pony
    S03E18 - Separate Vocations
    S03E22 - The Otto Show
    S04E11 - Homer's Triple Bypass
    S04E17 - Last Exit to Springfield
    S04E21 - Marge in Chains
    S05E06 - Marge on the Lam
    S05E11 - Homer the Vigilante
    S05E12 - Bart Gets Famous
    S05E13 - Homer and Apu
    S05E17 - Bart Gets an Elephant
    S06E09 - Homer Badman
    S06E23 - The Springfield Connection
    S08E12 - Mountain of Madness
    S08E17 - My Sister, My Sitter
    S09E09 - Realty Bites
    S09E10 - Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
    S09E11 - All Singing, All Dancing
    S09E17 - Lisa the Simpson
    S13E04 - A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
    S13E14 - Tales from the Public Domain
    S13E22 - Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge
    S15E19 - Simple Simpson
    S17E21 - The Monkey Suit
    S19E12 - Love, Springfieldian Style
    S28E22 - Dogtown
    + Lots of screenshots and photoshop work not mentioned

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Clin d'oeil, références et parodies  - Page 2 Empty Re: Clin d'oeil, références et parodies

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Mer 20 Avr - 8:25

    Références à Starsky & Hutch

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    Message par Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil - 4:18