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    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14460
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Lutte Empty Lutte

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Dim 25 Juin - 17:55

    Un clip des "Étoiles de la lutte", 1983

    Here is, to the best of my knowledge*, the only surviving episode of Varoussac Promotions' Les Etoiles de La Lutte. This flagship show for the Montreal promotion started in 1980 and ran until 1984 (when the WWF swooped in and bought the timeslot, renaming the show Les Super Etoiles de la Lute while retaining its hosts, Edouard Carpentier & Guy Hauray. Varoussac Promotions would rebrand itself as International Wrestling/Lutte Internationale in 1984 and subsequently host its TV tapings from a variety of arenas. This show aired sometime around June or July 1983 as the interviews and promos were building up to the Montreal Forum card on July 25, 1983 (thanks to Martin Ouellet and and STVSuperTV for background info) and was taped at the CHLT-TV Studios in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Edouard Carpentier and Guy Hauray provide the call of the action.

    Dino Bravo vs. Tony (Tom) Lintz
    Lord Alfred Hayes & Masked Superstar int. (Hayes speaks French!) 
    Tony Parisi vs. Raymond Couto (Thanks to viewer Fantomas Ragnarok for identifying his surname!),
    Eddie Creatchman & Pierre Lefebvre int.
    Andre the Giant vs. Bob Boucher & Dan Ferris
    Dino Bravo promo re;Paul-Sauve Centre card
    Moondog Sailor White vs. Denis Goulet
    Gino Brito & Tony Parisi interview (show cuts off here). 

    *I do have some isolated matches and interviews in French from Les Etoiles de la Lutte circa 1984 that I will share soon. Anyone out there who might have complete episodes of Les Etoiles de la Lutte, please post them to YouTube. I'd be curious to see whatever you have!

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14460
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Lutte Empty Re: Lutte

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Mar 26 Juil - 10:22

    1984, Dino Bravo
    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14460
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Lutte Empty Re: Lutte

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Ven 17 Fév - 10:19

    Le Géant Ferré (1945-1993), de son vrai nom André Roussimoff, fut une célébrité au Québec dans les années 70. Il commence en France sa carrière de lutteur dès l’âge de 17 ans. En raison de son impressionnant gabarit, il se fait rapidement connaître partout dans le monde. Au Japon, il devient une grande vedette, le public le surnomme Monster Roussimoff. Le Géant arrive à Montréal dans les années 1970. Ses combats attirent les foules au Forum.
    Montage d’archives qui présente le Géant Ferré durant différents moments de sa carrière entre 1971 et 1987.

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    Lutte Empty Re: Lutte

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      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 7 Sep - 21:51