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    Stingray buys four specialty music TV channels from Bell Media

    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Stingray buys four specialty music TV channels from Bell Media  Empty Stingray buys four specialty music TV channels from Bell Media

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Mar 26 Juil - 15:32

    The spin-offs of MuchMusic like MuchMore are in the hand of new owners.

    Articles from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/tech-news/bell-media-sells-juicebox-much-specialty-music-services-to-stingray/article30535824/
    Stéphane Dumas

    Messages : 14455
    Date d'inscription : 07/07/2012

    Stingray buys four specialty music TV channels from Bell Media  Empty Re: Stingray buys four specialty music TV channels from Bell Media

    Message par Stéphane Dumas Mar 16 Aoû - 16:40

    From http://www.digitalhome.ca/forum/12-television-industry-channels-providers/262970-stingray-acquire-juicebox-muchloud-muchretro-muchvibe-bell-media.html#post2810553

    Stingray Digital Group Inc. today announced that it has formally closed the previously announced strategic acquisition of Bell Media's Much Vibe, Much Loud and Juicebox specialty channels. The acquisition of a fourth channel, Much Retro, is expected to follow shortly.

    Effective August 12, 2016, Stingray will own and operate the three (3) specialty music channels andthe channels will be rebranded with the Stingray brand:

    • Much Vibe becomes Stingray Vibe
    • Much Loud becomes Stingray Loud
    • Juicebox becomes Stingray Juicebox

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil - 6:00