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    How does Christianity view the nature of God and the concept of the Trinity?


    How does Christianity view the nature of God and the concept of the Trinity? Empty How does Christianity view the nature of God and the concept of the Trinity?

    Message par Boeraboa Ven 4 Aoû - 8:43

    Many Christians believe that there are three distinct Persons to this one God and that these three Persons form a unity. This belief is called the doctrine of the Trinity: God the Father - the creator and sustainer of all things. God the Son - the incarnation of God as a human being, Jesus Christ, on Earth.

    Messages : 2
    Date d'inscription : 12/08/2023

    How does Christianity view the nature of God and the concept of the Trinity? Empty Re: How does Christianity view the nature of God and the concept of the Trinity?

    Message par gfjh8 Sam 12 Aoû - 14:18

    Delving into How does Christianity view the nature of God and the concept of the Trinity? was a fascinating read. The intricate discussion reminded me of the diverse strategies players use in pickleball – distinct yet harmonious, much like the aspects of the Trinity in Christian belief. Thought-provoking content!

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